I rebooted this blog to document my approaches to solving various coding problems.
It also serves as a reference for me in the future.
I primarily solve problems I receive via the mailing list on Daily Coding Problem and recently attempted Advent of Code.
Advent of Code
- Symmetrical Binary Tree
- Huffman Tree
- Find nodes that add up to a value
- Trie
- Height Balanced Binary Search Tree
- Cartesian Tree from in-order sequence
- Binary Tree DFS Traversal
- Eliminate 0-sum consecutive numbers
- Reversing a sentence
- Longest subsequence in a list
- Apply a permutation to an array
- Find elements in a rotated array
- Find the peak in a rotated array
- Water trapped within walls
- Monotonic Lists
Bit Operations
- Swap odd and even bits of a number
- Non duplicated integers
- Reversing a Binary Number
- GetMax using bit operations
- Multiplication table
- Shortest unique prefix of a word
- Area of intersected rectangles
- Measuring the angle in a clock
- Make Change
- Kaprekar's constant
- Toeplitz Matrix
- Fair coin flip
- Debouncing a function
- Megacorp employee bonus
- Quxes
- Solving getMax the wrong way
- Time based key value store
- Polymorphism
- Coordinate rule validation
- Random pick with blacklist
- Fizz Buzz