The Power of Full Engagement


I would not categorize this book as the most straightforward self-improvement book to read - granted, it is only my second such book (after Atomic Habits). Nevertheless, I feel like I could take away a few things, and here are some of them - 

  • It was interesting to think about energy structured in terms of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual, each facet feeding the other.
  • Energies are finite resources that need constant replenishment. I knew about physical recovery, but some case studies made me aware of how much I need mental, emotional, and spiritual replenishment.
  • Energy capacities can diminish, but they can also be increased. Just like exercising a muscle to the point of failure stimulates muscle growth, so can exercising our mental, emotional and spiritual selves.
  • Origins of creativity - “Our best ideas come to us in the shower” is possibly a common fact, but it was interesting to learn about creativity - occurring when the brain is relaxed rather than in a state of systematic concentration.
  • Case studies - Some of the chapters felt repetitious and unexciting, and therefore the case studies helped keep those chapters slightly exciting and engaging. While the case studies mainly focused on how people in the corporate lifestyle improved their situations, I see myself borrowing some of these recommendations as habits I can apply in my own life.

Here are also my weekly thoughts as I read through this book