Atomic Habits - Chapters 1 to 5

I recently started reading Atomic Habits as part of book club where we read one chapter per day. I decided to summarize some of my takeaways of reading the first 5 chapters in this book

Chapter 1

The Surprising Power of Atomic Habits

Everyone has the same goals

In my opinion, we sometimes fall into the trap of measuring ourselves to others that have made it in life, rather than measuring ourselves to the person we were yesterday. The “overnight’ success of others is often backed up by a system that is unseen or unknown to us.

I also think it is important to recognize that not everyone has the same advantages and privileges. So the trajectory for success and the system that backs this trajectory is dependent on circumstance.

Goals restrict happiness

This was an eye opener for me and I as reflected on this, I wondered whether this restriction of happiness simply accelerates failure.

Chapter 2

How your habits shape your identity (and vice versa)

The author does a good job of introducing identity as the key influencer of habits. We tend to lose interest in our habits when we are more focused on the results. Conversely, we gain interest in our habits when those habits become part of our identity.

The ultimate form of intrinsic motivation is when a habit becomes part of your identity

Chapter 3

How to build better habits in 4 simple steps 

The cat experiment is memorable. Remember this experiment, and you should be able to derive the flow that seems foundational to the rest of the book 

cue → craving → response → reward

I appreciate that this chapter defines how habits are automated and gives us a taste of what's to come in the rest of the book. A good explanation makes it easier to rationalize the actions I am about to take.

Chapter 4

The Man who didn’t look Right

Observe your thoughts and actions without judgment or internal criticism. Don’t blame yourself for your faults. Don’t praise yourself for your successes.
The last part of that quote regarding not praising the successes is new to me. The author suggests that we be devoid of emotion when observing our habits. We are still in the observation phase. Letting the successes go to our head might cause us to be accepting of the negative habits
I also liked the author’s suggestion of vocalizing the habit in detail. 

Chapter 5

The Best way to start a new habit

Many people think they lack motivation when what they really lack is clarity.... Some people spend their entire lives waiting for the time to be right to make an improvement
While the second line may sound clichéd ("you are in control of your own destiny") , the first line is so true in my opinion. The lack of knowledge and the lack of intention is often the biggest obstacle in taking the first step.